Friday, September 16, 2011

History behind the project...

The project started with the idea that our existing 37 year old motor home was long past due for replacement and I personally did not want to fix it up anymore since it is pretty much a lost cause.  I also did not like the fact that the old RV got only 6mpg.  So the idea of building a small travel trailer from the ground up was born.  Please note that this is more of a hobby project for me and I don't have any particular time frame for finishing it.  Also, please note that I am basicly a cheap skate and will try to build this camper with as little investment as possible in real cash.  Having said that it came to me early on that I should try to find used campers that I could tear down and salvage parts for the new camper.  Thus was born the idea to visit where I eventually purchased two busted up campers which are shown below.

The two campers shown above (yes that really is...or was a camper) were hauled home and have since been completely dismantled.  The good parts are ready and waiting to be used and the junk parts have been scrapped out. 

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