Thursday, February 23, 2012

Putting it Together V

People have been asking me why I haven't been updating my camper blog....well, the answer is pretty simple, I haven't been working on the camper.....that is, not until this past weekend.  So generally life is busy and once in a while I have time to keep this project moving forward.  This past weekend the progress was pretty small.  I started building out the kitchen cabinet. I admit that the cabinet is tiny, but sometimes smallness creates it's own difficulties in that you need to make sure to include everything you want without stuff bumping into one another.  So take a look at the next couple of photos where you'll see the layout of the counter top and the beginnings of the cabinet underneath.

As you can see, the sink and single burner stove (that's the stainless piece on the left) take up almost all of the counter space. Geriann was sure that she wanted the double sink rather than a single, so it does look awfully crowded.  However, I can make a custom cutting board to fit over the right hand sink so that most of the time it will double as counter space and only need to be a sink when doing the dishes. The same sort of thing is going on with the stove.  It has a flip up lid that is flush with the counter top when closed, so that means most of the time it can be counter space, since we really hardly ever use the stove.

The picture above is the face frame for the cabinet which will have two drawers on the left and a built in electric heater underneath those and then a couple of cupboard doors to the right.  The drawers, doors and heater aren't in the picture, so you'll have to use your imagination to picture where those go.The white box like thing in the background is the gas water heater. 

Yep, that's me with a tape measure....mostly thinking and pondering what the heck to do in the blazes am I going to fix that last goof up.

That's all I've got for now, so till next time, stay warm and cozy....spring's on it's way.